Friday 17 February 2012

Double Page spread draft

I feel this double page spread works well, however i feel it needs a drop cap and change the layout a little to create a more presentable double page spread.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

My final front cover

How i made my music magazine

After experimenting with my Masthead fonts i decided on the font i want to use and added this to my image as the background. I did this by uploading the image onto Photo shop and added text on top of my image. I then also added the skyline, bar code and cost of my magazine. I chose to use the colour red as my dominant colour within these features as i felt they worked well on my image. Once i had done that i then added my main storyline artists onto the image, i did this in red and then added a border round to make the text more dominant on the magazine.

I then added the storyline of the artists and added a promotion and other artists linked to my magazine which is R&B, the promotion is in white because i wanted to use another colour to make my magazine look more interesting and it catches the audience's attention through the colours used, this links to the border used around the other artists and the border around 'Bryonie Dixon' these are the colours i am going to use throughout my magazine.

I then added a picture of one of my artists in the box to create more of an effect, and i added more story lines to create a better front cover, once i had done this i made the headlines and subtitles look better and moved them around to create my front cover which i am happy with. I have added a website address as well for the customers use.